Law X Reader -- Movie Night - RitsukoRyoku (2024)

It was a rare opportunity that I was very much looking forward to, having the apartment all to myself! It’s not that my roommates are much of a bother, but our personal tastes tend to clash. I even had to smuggle the DVD home, not wanting to risk them teasing me over it. Yeah it’s silly, I know, but its more enjoyable without dealing with the critics. It was late afternoon when I turned on the TV and settled on the couch with a large fuzzy, fleece blanket. The beginning was intense, and I soon found myself drawn into it, so much so that I nearly jumped out of my skin when the front door clicked open.

In walks Trafalgar Law, just my luck. He was truly the last one I expected to see right now. He was one of the medical students, near the top of the program. So I’ve heard, though certainly not from him. He was a strange one, all right. Covered in bizarre tattoos but without the tough guy attitude you’d expect. If anything, he was a bit grouchy but he was mostly quiet and kept to himself. I was resolved to ignore him as he was likely just changing over his books or grabbing a bite on his way out again. He was so rarely home for long and when he was, he preferred to stay in the room he shared with Bepo.

He set his shoulder bag down on the floor and sat down on the couch to remove his leather shoes. That’s something that I don’t get about him, he sure was a snazzy dresser even though he insisted on wearing that bulky white fur cap. It was just another thing you wouldn’t have expected. He frowned critically at the TV screen. “What is this?” He scoffed softly.

“My movie so hush,” I frowned in turn as I pressed a finger to my lips.

His brow darkened a bit as his gaze never wavered from it. “Wait, I believe I’ve heard of it before. It’s that one people keep talking about on campus.”

“No spoilers!” I quickly blurted out. “It’s my first watch-through.”

He rolled his eyes. “You’re wasting your time, it’s hardly---”

“It’s my time to waste,” I insisted as I took the remote and turned up the volume.

He scoffed at that as he turned aside to set his shoes on the rack by the door. Just then the scene shifted abruptly, bringing me to the edge of my seat. It was several minutes before I realized that he was still watching with me. He stared with wide eyes as he was drawn into the action, just as I was. When he realized that I had noticed, he reddened a little at being caught. “Well, I don’t have time to waste,” he grumbled slightly under his breath as he pulled his backpack onto his lap and unlatched it. He made a fairly convincing show of riling through it, but his eyes kept returning to the screen. His frown softened a bit suspiciously now.

“What is it now? Out with it already!” I huffed impatiently as I paused the DVD and turned towards him.

“That actress sounds familiar,” he confessed. “I believe I’ve heard her from the miniseries Sora, Warrior of the---”

“You actually watch that?!” I burst out laughing, earning a sharp glare from him now. “It’s nothing more than Marine propaganda and more of a waste of time than this!”

“Despite that unfortunate connection, it is truly a cinematic masterpiece!” He insisted as he grit his teeth angrily.

“Whatever, but you can hardly lecture me on proper use of time when you waste it on that,” I hit the play button to resume. Several more minutes pass by in silence and he still hadn’t left. I did notice that he never did pull anything out of his backpack though. He finally set it aside and now pulled his phone out of his jeans pocket and flicked through it. Whatever, at least he was quiet now.

“I was right,” he smirked in satisfaction. “She voices Seto Riko from season four---” I shushed him again and he frowned at me in frustration. This is probably one reason we’re not especially close. I don’t hang on his every word like the others do. I’ve heard that they all go way back, friends long before college. “I only meant that it’s a point in this drivel’s favor, that’s all,” he huffed a bit defensively.

“I don’t care if she’s connected to that show of yours, it doesn’t matter to me,” I went on to say.

“Well, it should,” he countered as he sat back, resting his arm along the back of the couch. “Quality talent produces quality entertainment.”

I rolled my eyes but knew better than to engage him further on the subject. Another half hour went by in silence. He kept right on watching too, why was that? The main character then used their signature move which left him confused. “What was that just now?” He blurted out in bewilderment.

“He’s the destined hero, a descendant of the pure bloodline of---”

His face twisted into a grimace. “I didn’t ask for the backstory.”

“Well, you need it in order to understand the impact of the moment,” I said. “But fine, whatever.”

“You should be able to explain it in elementary terms without getting bogged down---” It was obvious that he wasn’t going to let this go so I abruptly paused it and stood up. He jumped slightly at that suddenness of my actions. “What are you---?”

“I’m going to make myself a quick snack, I’ll be right back.” I went past him into the kitchen. It was decent sized for dorm, certainly not as small as others I’ve been in before. I put some kettle-corn style popcorn into the microwave and then turned to the fridge to grab a can of soda. With any luck he’d take the hint and leave already. He was always on the go, hardly home for long.

I removed the bag from the microwave when it finished and poured it into one of my small mixing bowls. When I returned to the living room, I was surprised to find him sitting there. Seriously, what was going on? “What are you still doing here?”

“I pay rent here too, you know.” He refuted. “I’m as welcome here as you are.” Fair enough, there was no arguing with that. I took a seat and cuddled under my blanket once again and pressed play. His expression crumbled slightly in disappointment. “You didn’t make enough to share,” he groused.

“Of course I didn’t,” I said through a mouthful. “After all, I’m the only one watching this movie, remember?”

He made a face at that, a bit of pout that made him look almost adorable…almost. I giggled softly as I turned my attention back towards the movie. He eventually got up and left the room. FINALLY! I stretched out as best I could, resting my back against the armrest. He returned with his own snack and frowned down at me. I sighed as I scooted back to make room for him again. He cracked open the plastic packing and I was surprised to recognize the delicious scent of black licorice.

“What?” He asked as he noticed me staring with my mouth watering. His expression grew a bit calculating as he scooted a little closer. “I’ll share mine if you share yours.” He offered with hint of scheming smirk. I nodded as I held up the bowl and he poured out a handful of nibbles. He smiled as he chewed a mouthful. “I think kettle-corn is the best flavor.”

“I didn’t take you for having much of a sweet tooth,” I admitted through a mouthful of my own.

“I’m studying to be a doctor, not a dentist,” he chuckled a bit, not an unpleasant sound but definitely rare.

“Yeah but the nutritional side---”

This time he hushed me as his attention turned back to the TV. I realized that I had missed an important bit, so I had to rewind a little ways back.

Just then the door opened again, this time it was Bepo. He was very pleased to see his roommate and gave him a big bear hug. It’s really the only time I ever see Law smile so broadly. Bepo smiled at me in turn, and I waved back. My attention was primarily on the screen, and he noticed. “What are you watching?”

I held up the DVD case and he took it to look over. “Oh right! I’ve heard about this one! It supposed to be really good.” He frowned down curiously at his friend. “But why are you watching it? You said that it was worse than---”

“I’m not watching it, she is,” he quickly countered as he continued to stare at the screen.

Bepo and I exchange amused faces and winked. “You’re welcome to join me; I’ve got snacks to share.” That’s when I noticed that was no longer the case as Law ate the last of it. “I can make some more,” I offered.

He shook his head as he shrugged off his jacket. “I have work tonight, I just came home to change first. Is it a rental?”

I shook my head. “I’m borrowing from a friend; I’ll have it for a couple of days.”

“Great! Let’s watch it tomorrow then,” he said as he crossed the room and went down the hallway.

Law objected to me snatching the licorice bag from his hand. “You ate more of mine so its plenty fair,” I reasoned.

“Fine, if that’s the way you want it,” he said as he picked up my soda from the side table and took a long sip. His golden eyes dared me to challenge him on that. The roguish grin he gave as he finished off the remainder made him look like a right handsome devil. For a second there I could see what most of the girls were going on and on about. He did look the part of a heartthrob but personally he wasn’t my type. I prefer someone more sensitive and open about their feelings. I guess that I prize personality over looks. Honestly, I found his behavior as juvenile as my brother’s, and I wasn’t going to be riled by it either. I crumbled up the plastic bag and bounced it off his forehead before turning back to my movie. But I couldn’t help but smile all the same, it made for a welcome change from his usual seriousness.

Bepo returned to the room, dressed in his work polo and cap. He worked at one of the little food shops down at the student center. “You should stop by tonight,” he encouraged as he paused on his way out the door. “They’re having a special buy one, get one free on some of their signature frozen yogurts.”

Law’s expression soured a bit, but I sure perked up. “Oooh, does that include their Chocolate Banana Chip one?” He grinned as he nodded. “Count me in! I’ll definitely be there!” Just then the music turned ominous, and my attention was sucked right back in. The movie’s villain was making their major appearance, where their true identity was being revealed to the hero for the first time. I was on the edge of my seat again as he grappled with the emotional betrayal of this turn of events. I clutched at my chest as I felt my heart beat wildly.

I was so entranced that I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard a faint groan beside me. I had forgotten that he was still here. His expression turned pensive as his mouth hardened into a firm line. “The worst villains are the ones you can relate to.” He murmured softly.

“What are you talking about? Those are the best ones!” I objected. “Most villains aren’t wacky like the featured in those old Saturday Morning Cartoons.”

“Those are terrible on a different level, but that wasn’t what I meant,” he said as he looked at me from the corner of his eye. “Villains you can personally relate to prey on your sympathies to excuse themselves or to further their own ends at your expense. There is no excuse for such behavior, even if they are justified in taking such revenge.”

I frowned curiously. It was almost as if he was speaking from experience, and I didn’t care to speculate from which side. “It’s just a movie, Law. Don’t take it so seriously.”

His gaze darkened but he kept silent. I wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad thing, honestly. The scene shifted to something more light-heartened, and I was able to put it behind me. He scoffed at the nonsense of it all and declared that he was over it already. He reached into his backpack to pull out a textbook and a pair of headphones.

“Why don’t you study in your room instead?” I suggested as I pointed down the hallway.

He reclined back with a terrible slouch as he inserted the ear buds. He flicked through the book to an earmarked page. Alright, fine, be that way about it, weirdo. Maybe if I make it awkward, he’ll finally give up. I make a show of stretching stiffly and rubbing the backs of my legs. Then I rest my feet across his lap, and he raises a critical eyebrow at that. “My legs are stiff and my feet ache so I’m gonna stretch out,” I declare as I lean back comfortably with a couch pillow. “If it bothers you, just---”

He hmphed at that, a mild scorn but that was all. He was content to ignore it altogether. Huh, I wasn’t expecting that reaction. Oh well, it felt nice to stretch out, so I didn’t bother to move. I did notice however that his earphones jack had fallen out of his pants pocket. It wasn’t actually plugged into anything! That made sense as his attention seemed divided between the book and the screen.

The movie was about two thirds through before we were interrupted again with a knock at the door. I paused the movie, but he grabbed hold of my ankles to keep me from getting up. “The door is open!” He called out instead.

Penguin pokes his head in. “Oh hey, there you are!” He declared as he quickly entered. “What gives, I thought we were supposed to study together tonight.”

“You’re mistaken in that assumption,” Law said smoothly as he set aside his book. He leaned over to retrieve a small file folder from his bag. “However, I took careful notes from today’s lecture so study at your own pace.”

Penguin’s face fell in disappointment. “But I could really use your help on this unit.”

“No, what you really want is for me to dumb it down for you and I’m not interested in holding your hand on this one.” I blinked in surprise at his harsh tone, this was how he treats a close friend? His face flushed with embarrassment as he seemed just as tongue-tied as I was. Law fixed him with a sharp stare. “Especially when I know that you’re the one who outscored me in the last exam, spoiling my perfect record.”

Again, I was floored, and Penguin’s jaw dropped before he flushed even redder. “H-How did you---”

“Shachi told me,” he gently explained, there was a softness I wouldn’t have ever expected from someone as cold as him. “While I can’t understand why you’d disguise your obvious talent under such a silly persona, I don’t appreciate you wasting my time by carrying on so. I do hope that you haven’t been pretending to save my ego.” He smirked a bit in jest which seemed to lighten the moment and Penguin chuckled in turn.

“Naw, it wasn’t just that,” he quickly reassured him. “It also made for a great excuse to hang out too. You’re always so busy so I hardly ever get to see you these days.”

“I am, so next time let’s be more productive in our gatherings.” He held up a pointed finger of warning. “But you’d better study even harder this time round because I will not lose to you a second time.”
“You’re on bro!” He laughed as he fist-bumped him.

Law gestured for me to resume the DVD and I quickly did so. There were too many distractions to deal with here, maybe Bepo and I should watch elsewhere tomorrow.

“Hey, what are you guys watching?” Penguin asked curiously. Was he planning on staying? He and Shachi used to room here a semester or two back, but they were over fairly often so in some ways it’s like they never left.

I stiffened slightly as Law started to massage my feet. His long fingers were nimble as he applied pressure to the right points. It felt really good, but it still sent chills up my spine. What…was he doing…? “My roommate here has been feeling under the weather so I’m seeing to it that she takes time to relax.” He shot me a sharp look, daring me to contradict him. I didn’t say a word but honestly, I couldn’t disguise my bewilderment. “I’ll call you later, I promise.” He reassured him and Penguin took the hint.

When the door clicked shut behind him, I decided to call him out on it. “What was that all about? I don’t need your help taking it easy!” I snapped as I tried to pull my feet free.

He narrowed his eyes in turn as he held on. “It was only a convenient excuse to send him on his way. At this late stage in the film, he’ll be too confused to appreciate the remainder of its content.”

I grinned at his slip-up. “Really? So, you’re finally enjoying it too.”

His expression hardened at that. His mouth twisted into a soft scowl as he gently pushed my feet off his lap. “I said no such thing so don’t make such insipid insinuations.”

“You’re a real pain sometimes, you know that?” I grumbled as I curled up with my blanket, pulling it up over my head now to block him from my peripheral vision.

Silence prevailed through the remaining conflict where the hero clashed with villain though Law’s words rang through my memory. I could see what he meant now. Part of the plot did revolve around the hero having been manipulated by the villain back when they had seemingly been friends. He had exploited his vulnerable heart and manipulated him into nearly joining his cause. Part of the final fight was to make peace with the reality that his friend had undermined him so thoroughly. That was definitely the worse kind of betrayal.

I watched with wide-eyed wonder at the spectacle of it all, this final moment of truth where values like good and honor trump evil and intrigue. Yes, its very fairy-tale like to believe that good will always win, no matter what. It was just as fanciful as a princess waiting to be rescued from her tower. But it still feels good to experience it, to be reassured that this was meant to be despite all odds. The final scene fades to black and the credits begin to roll.

I tossed the blanket back and did a little celebratory wiggle in my seat. “That was even better than I imagined! So worth the wait!”

Law hmphed as he tossed the blanket off his shoulder. I had no idea that he had stayed, let alone scooted closer to sit beside me. “Seriously?” I blurted out. “You weren’t moved, like at all? Are you that cold-hearted?”

He rolled his eyes a little. “It was even worse than my already low-expectations for it were.”

“Well then it sucks for you. But I, for one, loved it!” I declared as I stood up and stretched. “And I think Bepo will enjoy it too.”

I wandered into the kitchen and switched on the light. It was evening now, and I was ready to make some dinner. I rummaged through my shelf in the food cupboard, what could I make that was both delicious and quick?

“You know, I’ve heard that there’s a sequel that just came out for this,” he drawled as he leaned against the entryway with his hands tucked leisurely in his pockets. He sure was crazy tall, even slightly stooped as he was right now.

“Yeah, that’s one reason why I waited so long to watch this one in the first place,” I answered as I closed the cupboard door. Nothing was really catching my eye, so I think I’ll settle for a frozen pizza instead. I switched on the oven to preheat.

“I bet it’ll be even lamer,” he scoffed slightly.

Really? Who did he think he was fooling at this point? I burst out with a laugh. “Oh, it’d better be! But don’t worry I won’t bring it home.”

He seemed surprised by that, and his gaze narrowed shrewdly. “You won’t be borrowing it from the same friend?”

“No, she’s throwing a little party at her apartment this weekend so I’m gonna cosplay as the villain from this film. I mean, sure he was a jerk, but he had his awesome moments to,” I paused as I realized that I had just defended my choice. Why, why should I feel the need to do that? His seriousness about it was beginning to get to me. I pulled the pizza from the freezer and set it down on the counter. I felt his eyes on me and turned to see conflicted emotion battle across face. His jaw twitched as his mouth twitched between opening to speak to pressing flat into a firm frown. His eyes were the most vulnerable of all, a mix between despair and agony. Over what? “Something wrong?” I asked. “I mean, if you want to go, I’m sure she’d invite you too.”

Color drained from his face at the very thought. Ok so it’s not that but I should have known better. He was always turning down all sorts of social invitations from students, professors, and peers alike. The only exceptions he ever made were for his three best friends. To watch him visibly struggle made me realize that perhaps he was more sensitive than I had first imagined. It was just his natural stubbornness that tended to complicate things. Then it clicked for me.

“I’m sure she’d lend it to me soon afterwards if I asked.” I smiled reassuringly with a wink.

Oh, the relief that flooded his face! He even smiled for a split second before covering it up with a fake cough. I giggled softly as I shook my head in amusem*nt. What a pain. The oven’s sensor pinged to signal that it had reached the ideal temperature. I started to open up the box when he approached my side.

“You’re not seriously going to eat that, are you?” He sounded appalled.

“Of course I am, what else would I do with it?”

He took it out of my hands and tossed it straight into the trash. What a jerk! How dare he----!

He took hold of my hand and pulled me out of the kitchen altogether. “If pizza is what you’re craving, then there’s only one place to go: Nimarco’s.”

I pulled my hand free. “Wait, what? I can’t afford to eat out this week!” I protested as I took a step back. I knew that this was a favorite hangout for them because it was the only pizza place that served pasta as well. Apparently, he hates bread? I dunno, that sounds unlikely, but I’ve never seen him eat it either.

“It’s no trouble, I’ll pay.” He said as he pulled on his leather jacket that was hanging on the back of the front door.

“But why?” I blurted out. What’s up with him? I almost never see him for more than ten minutes at a time and now I’ve spent nearly half a day with him.

He fixed me with a scheming smirk and there was mischief in his eyes. “Consider it your punishment for making me sit through that drivel. You’ve wasted my time so now I’ll return the favor.”

I grinned in turn. “Fine, if that’s the way you want it.”

Law X Reader -- Movie Night - RitsukoRyoku (2024)
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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Author information

Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.