Claire Northfield on LinkedIn: Interview 3 Continued: Claire Northfield: That definitely all makes sense.… (2024)

Claire Northfield

Content Creator & Airbnb Investor

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Interview 3 Continued:Claire Northfield:That definitely all makes sense. I have just one last question for you, probably your favorite since you’re an economics major. Can you provide an overview of the past and current economic state?Unknown Speaker:Current economic state, let me stand for this, is in SHAMBLES! So, the current economic state is in absolute shambles, here's the thing. People will feed you the information you want to hear. We have the lowest unemployment, but we have the largest wealth disparity. We're talking about this in my class right now, human development is not mutually exclusive with wages that are increasing simultaneously. Everyone increases wages, and everyone is still unhappy, inflation still makes it ineffective. There was an increase of 8 percent during covid, wages didnt match, everyone got f*ck*d. Autonomous spending is what you need, food, utility, you have to pay for it. You need water, clothes etc…People are snatching up cheap properties and land, food control takes over the world and creates a crisis. There is spending money involved where oil is involved. When you control food and oil, the world is controlled. Pretty much, what else, there's just so much. Getting a good job is damn near impossible, because supply is so heavy and competitive, so youre gonna wind up doing some bullsh*t with your life. A few days ago I read an article about the tri state area jobs. Accounting is a perfect example, it was a safe way to go and you'd made a good amount of money, and now, they're making 40k a year, that's not liveable in today's world. You’re gonna be fighting for your life daily cause you're not making enough to be happy and it's gonna be a constant struggle. People can’t afford family expenses. Um.. what else to the economic state. We cannot even support our own troops. There was an estimated 20 million to end homelessness for veterans, people who fought for our freedom, most of them wind up on the street. They have PTSD, drug or alcohol addiction, and we can't even fund those people. Where does the money go? Places like Israel, Ukraine, not our own people. We send billions upon billions overseas, no book keeping, no checks and balances, no one will suffer. People at the top don't have repercussions, if anyone says anything, they'll disappear. People think we have a systematic process, but in reality, we don't. Claire Northfield:Wow. Definitely got everything you’ve said. That concludes my interview with you today, I appreciate you taking the time to do this.

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  • Claire Northfield

    Content Creator & Airbnb Investor

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    Interview 2 Continued:Claire Northfield:Okay. Perfect. Next question is the last one. Can you provide an overview of the past and current economic state or you could just do the current economic state? Unknown Speaker:Well, the past economics I mean, it was only a year ago that we declared the pandemic over, wasn't it like May or June of last year? Claire Northfield:Yeah, I think so. Unknown Speaker:Okay, so little, little over a year now or say a year and a half. It's November so a year and a half ago, it was declared that the pandemic was over. Like it's back to normal. But due to the pandemic, it caused a lot of people to go buy homes because they wanted to get away from all the clutter, clustered living and wanted to have backyards, places to breathe fresh air. And so it caused the housing increase and also because the government basically gave free money, free loans. You know, a lot of people went and invested that money in real estate. Now that money has dried up and now those programs have ended. So no more free money. The free money caused a lot of people to go buy houses, impacting supply because there was a lot of demand and less supply so the prices went up crazy. Now, those programs have stopped. The government is no longer printing money. And interest rates now are so much higher that it isn't impacting demand the other way around. And now we have many investors dumping their properties that's more supply. It's a pure economics play when you have more supply, less demand, prices go down. You have more demand, less supply, prices go up. That's what happened years ago. And that's the reverse that’s happening. Claire Northfield:That was all really good. Okay. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. Unknown Interviewer:I'm glad.

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  • Caeden Goering

    𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲 | 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐨𝐦 | 𝐔𝐧𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐡 𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐭 | 𝘍𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭 𝘗𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘳 | 𝘞𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘵𝘩 𝘔𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘨𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘈𝘥𝘷𝘪𝘴𝘰𝘳 | 𝘗𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘏𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯

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    To manage your money successfully - you need 3 things:Aptitude, time and interest.That's it. Aptitude - you're smart. You're great at research. You have a lot of existing knowledge and experience. That will serve you well. Time - this one is harder. But if you've got time, you can make this work. Interest - You want to do it yourself and save some money. Totally understandable. But you've gotta be interested. "Enthusiasm adds 25 points to your IQ" - Kevin MillerWhat you're missing:Aptitude - You're missing the opportunities you aren't aware of. Maybe you're okay with that. 𝑴𝒚 𝒄𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔 𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒏'𝒕. Time - Perhaps you have time now. You won't 𝘢𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴. Opportunity and time are highly correlated.Interest - this is the bugger. You may be interested now. You won't always be.When it starts to wear you out, are yougoing to stick with it? The point is this - you don't need most of these to be successful. You need all 3. Having a team helps with time. Having a team of professionals helps with aptitude. Having an advisor who's psyched to share his content on LinkedIn every morning helps with enthusiasm. If you don't have all 3 - you're being held back. Your freedom and future impact are all limited by the quality of choices you make today. But you're not somebody who's comfortable waiting.Let's get started. Link in comments.#Finance #Finances #Money #Investing #Wealth #PersonalFinance

    • Claire Northfield on LinkedIn: Interview 3 Continued:Claire Northfield:That definitely all makes sense.… (4)



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  • kajumba abdurahman


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    THE RICH VS THE POORRecently I was watching an interview of Andrew tate on YouTube while he was talking about Money. He said that if we don't rush to fathom the feasibilities on how to make ourselves free, it's going to reach a time when there's only one option and that is to live under full control of those that understood the money system. I grew up asking myself if there is anyway how someone can live financially independent without looking for any job or a business?Well as I am speaking now,I have got an answer that yes it's possible though to catapult the strategies on how to live financially independent, it's not easy.I am curious about your thinking over this phenomenon that seems to be a hypothesis in many people's minds.There's a book called "what the rich know and they desperately keep as a secret" ,it can kickstart your view of this thinking that I am talking about.The only reason why I have written this article is that I can open up a disturbing thinking in many of us who are job seekers which is not bad,but sometimes it reaches a time when you feel like you are tired of a (9-5) yet you don't have any option rather than doing what you hate because of the active income that you get from there.Then what next to you because being disgusted over something will grow with time,you have to agree with me though it's not a must.Think of an employee in the same company for 10 years without any promotion or recognition in his designation,if s/he not having differing pursuits that are enjoyable to build a profound motivation that will be exploited on every commute,he will be living unhappy for many times.#money#thinking#jobs

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  • Deborah Bubis

    Director Of Recruiting at New York Life 💼 - Guiding You To Success With Empathy, Confidence and Transformational Leadership. Never Quit, Because I Won't.

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    This post if going to be very, raw and very real.It's also going to be pretty personal.My boyfriend and I are in our 40's.We both work hard.We want a life together.We come from two different backgrounds when it comes to finances.My family were savers, and he had no one to teach him to save.To top things off, we have inflation.I am putting this out there because we tell candidates not to chase money, and to stay loyal to an employer who could lay them off at any point.We're living in a world where each of us has to do what's best for us.For some of us, that means finding a job that pays us the most regardless of our happiness.For some of us, that means working more than one job to make ends meet.For some of us, that means sacrificing a life to be able to grow older and retire.And, for a lot of us, it means going into debt to live a life now because tomorrow isn't promised.I don't believe that there is a "right" or a "wrong" way to spend our money.But, I do believe that we are all struggling more to live today than we have in years.If a candidate is looking to change their job because of finances, we should be the last ones to judge. If they've been out of work for a long period or they have job gaps, we should be the last ones to judge.There are so many moving parts to a person's life that all we should do is try to listen, and help where we can.Without truly knowing someone's story, we have no idea of their why.Start listening.Start understanding.Stop judging.Your candidates will thank you for it.<3,#itsarecruiterthing



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  • Valyn Chong

    Group Agency Manager @ Public Mutual Berhad | Wealth Management

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    To maximize your earning potential, assess your current income sources by asking the following questions:1. Am I earning sufficient income from my current job? 2. Do I invest in any income-generating assets? 3. Am I actively enhancing my skills and education to stay competitive? 4. Is there potential for a pay raise or promotion in my current position? 5. How strong is my network for job referrals and opportunities? 6. Have I explored additional income streams such as side hustles or small businesses to expand my income?By considering these aspects, you can take proactive steps to unlocking income growth. #expandincome #incomegrowth #money #finance #financial #financialfreedom #income

    • Claire Northfield on LinkedIn: Interview 3 Continued:Claire Northfield:That definitely all makes sense.… (12)
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  • Multitalent Solutions Indonesia


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    Kondisi financial bukan penghambat karir, asal...🔒Did you know that your financial stability and security can actually boost your career instead of hindering it? It's true! Many individuals often underestimate the importance of managing their finances wisely, but the reality is that having a solid financial foundation can unlock various opportunities for professional growth and success.If you're wondering how financial stability can positively impact your career, let me shed some light on the subject. Numerous studies have shown that individuals who have control over their finances are more likely to experience reduced stress levels, increased job satisfaction, and improved overall productivity. By being financially secure, you can focus more on your work, unleash your true potential, and take calculated risks without constantly worrying about financial emergencies.📈In fact, scientific research has proven that investing and saving can bring about remarkable benefits in our lives. According to a study conducted by Professor Nancy Etcoff from Harvard University, having financial security not only improves our mental well-being but also enhances our cognitive abilities. By securing our financial future through investments and savings, we can experience better decision-making skills, increased confidence, and improved problem-solving capabilities – all of which are vital for career growth and progression.Additionally, let's take a moment to reflect on the importance of financial stability and security in our professional lives. Here are some popular hashtags that can further elevate this discussion and connect it with a wider audience: #FinancialStabilityMatters #InvestInYourFuture #SecureYourCareer #MoneyMatters #CareerGrowth #FinancialFreedom #SavingsGoalsWhat are your views? Do you believe that financial stability plays a crucial role in career advancement? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below! Let's inspire and empower each other to take charge of our financial journey for a more successful and fulfilling professional life.💼💰✨#FinancialStability #CareerProgression #FinancialIntelligence #ProfessionalGrowth #InvestWisely #SaveSmartly #SecureFuture #FinancialWellBeing #UnlockOpportunities


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  • Sana Merchant

    Assistant Professor | Strategic Social Media Manager and Copywriter | Leveraging Instagram and LinkedIn to Elevate Brand Growth and Organic Lead Generation

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    I don't believe in leaving a stable job before having another stable option.There are multiple reasons and here are a few-I started teaching in College last year and noticed that most of the students ridiculed the 9-5 system.Hearing them talk like that, I gave them a reality check and told them 3 things to consider before they choose to remain unemployed and rush into a "walk out of the rat race, immediately" mentality.1. If you have a family that needs you to contribute financially, getting a job can be a relief. 2. If you are clueless about how things actually work in practice, a job can be a great training ground for you. You will also get paid. (High or Low depends on you.) 3. If you always find yourself complaining about procrastinating, a Job will definitely teach you how to be disciplined and accountable. These 3 reasons were given to young adults who belong to the 18-21 age group.The internet makes it appear so easy to start a business nowadays, but sticking to it, facing failures, coming up from those failures, showing up again, filing Taxes, learning about different legal issues concerned with businesses, facing the market's ups and downs, showing up again, facing financial betrayals from certain parties, etc. requires resilience and patience. In reality, it, in fact, is not that easy until you have your pockets filled and have people hired to run errands for you!



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  • Kevin Miller

    ✝ Follower of Jesus. Front-end Lead. Visit me @

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    There's an unspoken of addiction that a lot of people have but don't realize it and it's affecting their lives in a negative way.They are addicted to career p*rn. They spend their days chasing one hyped up fantasy after the next that promises them a life of leisure for no real work. The minute some new buzzword starts circulating around, they read a couple of articles on it and all of a sudden they are an expert and have the secrets to put you on so that you too can enjoy passive income by exploiting this fad. Then two months later, they are on to some completely different fad because they just wasted a ton of money on courses and seminars on some fly by night get rich quick scheme.As much as I'd love some sort of 'passive income' or a job where I'm working 2 hours a week and it's making me hundreds of thousands of dollars a year for little expertise or work, I simply don't find that to exist.The closest thing to 'passive income' I've seen is regularly investing in an index fund and 30 years later, you might have a nice lump sump.Other than that, the harder you work and the smarter you work, the more results you get. The less time you spend chasing the latest hot fad that will supposedly make you millions of dollars for 30 minutes of work a day, the more you can spend that time cultivating real skill in some endeavor.In the investing world, there is a concept of a buffer. What makes this business difficult to duplicate or what makes it tough for a competitor to come in and compete? If the barrier is low, then tons of competitors will come in and the margins will disappear.How this applies to your career is if you are doing things that are easy to duplicate, then even if the demand is high right now, once that demand wanes, your compensation will wane because there's tons of competitors that will flood the market for that same job, which means a lower wage.You have to develop a skillset that is valuable but also hard to duplicate.



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  • Andrew Vonasch

    Senior Lecturer in Psychology at University of Canterbury

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    Offering people too much money makes them suspicious that there are hidden phantom costs in a transaction offer. This can cause money backfires in which offering more money makes people less likely to take a job, buy a product, or accept goods from others. conducted 10 experiments showing that people imagine phantom costs, and these influence people's decisions about whether to buy a product for too inexpensive a price, to accept an overly generous gift, or to take a job that pays too much money. The key to understanding when money backfires is "net psychological value." Being offered a generous deal does two things: it offers value, and it also adds phantom costs. People consider both to decide whether to accept the offer.Net psychological value predicts when offering more money is likely to backfire. There are situations in which a person will imagine phantom costs but decide the risk is worth it, and they'll do the transaction anyway. In one study, a research assistant approached people and offered either just a cookie, or to pay them $2 to eat the cookie. People were twice as likely to accept just a cookie than one they were paid to eat, because phantom costs.In another study, people decided whether to take a job based on the level of pay. If you offer a little more than normal for a job, people love it. But if you offer too much more, they imagine the phantom costs must be huge--and they reject it.In another study, people were buying plane tickets, and if the price was too low, they rejected the offer. BUT if the low price also had uncomfortable seats, they were MORE likely to accept. Why?When a sufficient justification for a low price is available, people won't imagine phantom costs. They imagine something's wrong with a deal if it's too good to be true and they don't know why.We introduce a new concept: The Heuristic of Sufficient Explanation. When there doesn't appear to be a sufficient explanation for someone's actions, people assume there is a hidden ulterior motive.Go read the paper. It's open access and free to read. We did a lot of work to make it readable and clear. Cheers!

    People Reject Free Money and Cheap Deals Because They Infer Phantom Costs - Andrew J. Vonasch, Reyhane Mofradidoost, Kurt Gray, 2024



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  • Rawan Aldobai

    𝗛𝗲𝗹𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗳𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗪𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗻 𝗚𝗲𝘁 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗺𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗱 | As Seen in 𝗙𝗼𝘅 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝘁𝗪𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵 𝗜𝗕𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲𝘀 | 𝟱+ Years of Career Success & Professional Development Training

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    Reasons you are not earning the income you want:1. Lack of self-worth.You don't believe you deserve to make more money.2. You don't know how to communicate your value.You know you have a lot to offer but don't know how to articulate it.3. You don't invest in yourself.If you don't believe you are worth investing in, no one will invest in you.4. You are afraid to ask for more.You are too worried about people judging you for wanting more.Do any of these sound familiar?You might be surprised to learn they are some of the most common obstacles to income increase that I've seen.#money #professionalwomen #careers #financialfreedom


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Claire Northfield on LinkedIn: Interview 3 Continued:Claire Northfield:That definitely all makes sense.… (27)

Claire Northfield on LinkedIn: Interview 3 Continued:Claire Northfield:That definitely all makes sense.… (28)


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Claire Northfield on LinkedIn: Interview 3 Continued:
Claire Northfield:
That definitely all makes sense.… (2024)
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